Search Engine Indexing vs Ranking a Web Page

Why are your site’s pages indexed in Google Search Console but they don’t show up on searches? Here’s why: Google indexing and ranking are two distinct processes in the world of search engines, and they serve different purposes: Google Indexing:...

What are backlinks?

Backlinks, also known as inbound links or incoming links, are links from one website to another.   Here’s how backlinks work and why they are important: Linking from one website to another: When one website includes a hyperlink that directs users to another...

FreshStore Links Order – Thank You

Thank you for your order! I will start the process within a day or two. Then in a few weeks I will update you on progress and we’ll review the site sometime after the 6 weeks to see where we are at. Best Regards, Ingvar.

Email Marketing

Traffic Boost – Email Marketing Email marketing can be divided into two main styles; bulk email marketing campaigns, and opt-in letters and updates. While both of these methods are dependent on the medium of email to maximize your visibility, both of these methods...

Website Ranking 101

Over the years a lot has changed. In the “old days” it was easy to get a site listed on the first page of search engines. Not so much any more. In fact, it is getting rather challenging. We need to use all the tools in our toolbox. And there are a few. On...